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Our World


"The best blaze burns brightest when circumstances are at their worst."

Christine Bulacso Canlas
11 Onyx
February 1

Hello! I'm Christine and I love making "art" using MS PowerPoint. I don't know how to introduce myself but if you want to know more about me kindly explore my works and creations. Good day!

Works & Creations

Image Manipulation


Love thy self through the day and  night

Application used: MS PowerPoint 

          As you can see, the pictures inside the two circles have different shapes as a background and only I, myself, is the real element in the pictures. That means that in this world, everything we may see is not true and it can fool us. The only person we should trust is only ourselves. Therefore, we must love ourselves for we can only be the truest person in our life. In addition, the picture also has an element of day which is represented by the sun, and night which is represented by clouds. This means that we must love ourselves not just by day nor by night. My face in those pictures may not be perfect but I love how the imperfections of these pictures made me confident enough to use them. Always remember to love ourselves and we must be confident to flaunt and embrace the imperfection that makes us beautiful.


     I choose to make this infographic because I, personally, can't cope up with my mental health at some points in my life. I also knew that I am not the only one who is struggling with this. 

     I kinda struggled in making this infographic because I don't have any experience in making one. But there is always a first time in everything, right? I'm kinda proud of myself for making this but I'm not satisfied with my work


Quarantine Realizations

I never expected that this quarantine will last up to December. No one knows when will this ends. No one also saw this coming. Many things have changed and some people are calling this the new normal. Well, I disagree. I cannot adapt to this change. I want everything back.

I miss my friends and all the things I do outside. I want to be free again. I miss the little chitchats, waiting for my service, cramming every homework that I didn't finish at home, and every little thing I do. Those things may be repetitive but each smile I saw and each laughter I heard were all different. I long for those things. I realized that I took all of those for granted. It made me think that I should cherish every moment in my life. If I could go back to those times, I will. 

I don't have any problem with staying at our house for a long time. To be honest, my world revolves around school and at our house but I cannot take this. I may be safe and I don't have any problem with staying at home in this time of a pandemic but there are people dying and suffering.It is more than just a pandemic and I just want everything back to normal for us to enjoy the life that we supposed to have.

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